The Rule of Thirds | Mindset Tip
May 31, 2023
If you feel lousy a third of the time you’re probably doing something right!
When working towards a goal, you may fall into the mindset trap of thinking that if every step of the way isn't easy and enjoyable then they are doing something wrong.
On the days that feel ‘hard’ you might even feel like you will never reach your goals or that you need to change your plan to get there!
For example, giving up entirely or adopting an extreme dietary pattern that is unsupportive to your wellness.
Feeling discouraged by every ‘hard day’ can lead to inconsistency and frustration. In some cases, you might even change your action plan before it has a chance to work!
For example, perhaps your habit of eating protein-rich foods and vegetables is assisting in your weight loss goal but you haven't accepted that patience and time is required for this action to work.
Of course if you chronically feel lousy or have no evidence of progress it would make sense to switch it up. However, more often than not, it’s about learning to accept that there will be hard days and sticking to your action plan (or your habits!) even when it feels tough.
A video from Olympian Alexi Pappas describes this mindset beautifully. When asked what advice she’d offer non-runners if they are attempting a challenging goal, she replied by sharing the "Rule of Thirds."
Whenever you're chasing a big dream, you're supposed to feel good a third of the time, okay a third of the time, and crappy a third of the time. If you feel roughly in those ratios, it means you are chasing your goals.
She went on to share that if you feel good all the time you probably aren’t pushing yourself hard enough and if you feel fatigued or burnt out then you may need to reevaluate your plan to make a change.
The Registered Dietitians at Vitality Nutrition find this mindset to be a helpful reminder that moments of unpleasantness are simply part of the process!
Feeling crappy some of the time is not a sign that you are ‘not good enough’ or ‘doing something wrong’ or 'will never reach your goals' or 'should give up’. It’s a sign to stay consistent and move forward!
Understanding this truth can make you less likely to give up when things get uncomfortable.
As dietitians, we also find that this mindset can remind us to enjoy the days that do feel awesome and easy! Whether that be an awesome workout, a great night's sleep, a week where nutrition habits feel effortless, or a day where energy and motivation feel exceptionally high!
So remember this rule next time you're struggling through a particularly rough patch on the way to your goal. If you're having a hard day it might just be a sign to stay consistent and know that you are on the right track!
Some examples of the Rule of Thirds in action with our nutrition client's unique goals include:
- Improving performance in running: when following a running program it is common to have runs that feel hard, runs that feel easy, and runs that are simply ‘ok’. Sometimes clients get bogged down by the ‘hard runs’ and feel like their action plan with nutrition or training needs to change. A difficult run may be a sign to check in on recovery factors like nutrition, sleep, stress management, or hydration and make adjustments if needed. However, difficult training days are a part of pushing outside your comfort zone and do not always warrant changing the plan!
- Adopting a new habit: when adopting a new habit there will be days you feel motivated and days you feel unmotivated. Oftentimes clients believe that there is something ‘wrong’ with them if they aren’t feeling motivated to follow through on their new habit every single day. However, feeling unmotivated is normal and expected. That’s why we don’t rely on motivation to take action on our habits! When adopting a new habit it is important to accept the rule of thirds and acknowledge that there will be days that are hard or days that you don’t ‘feel’ like the habit. The rule of thirds can help you accept these hard days so you can take action on your habit regardless of having the motivation to back you. For example, let’s say you are adopting the habit of walking 30 minutes each day. Rather than getting down on yourself when you inevitably don’t feel like walking you can instead remind yourself: “It’s normal to feel unmotivated ⅓ of the time. I know that this habit aligns with my goals and I am capable of walking even when I am unmotivated.”
You can read more about motivation on our blog post and podcast episode! - Changing body composition: Body recomposition is the perfect example of the rule of thirds in action as changing body composition takes time, patience, and consistency. Body recomposition refers to building muscle while simultaneously losing body fat. While the goal of changing body composition does require more frequent adjustments and customization with nutrition and exercise, oftentimes clients feel defeated if they aren’t seeing progress within a week or two of taking action on the goal. As mentioned, it is important to change the plan if you feel lousy most of the time or aren’t seeing objective markers of progress. However, more often than not, body recomposition is about building a solid plan with nutrition and training and committing to it for several months.
You can read more about body recomposition on our blog post and podcast episode! - The menstrual cycle: It is important for females who have a natural cycle to be aware of the rule of thirds as it relates to the menstrual cycle. The late-luteal phase which is the 5-7 days before menses (ie. a period) can cause shifts to mood, energy, body weight, and exercise performance. If premenstrual symptoms are significant it may warrant working with a Registered Dietitian or primary care provider to change lifestyle patterns including nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management to improve symptoms. However, there are natural shifts that happen in the body due to the rise and fall of the hormone progesterone. For many women, being aware of their cycle and accepting this challenging phase can help them stay consistent with habits that support their overall health and wellness.
In our 1:1 comprehensive nutrition coaching program your Registered Dietitian provides you with an actionable plan to reach your goal. In addition to this action plan, your dietitian will coach you through mindset challenges and setbacks so that you can take the consistent action you need to reach your goal.
If you’d like to learn more about 1:1 nutrition coaching you can reach more here or book directly with one of our dietitians here. If you are interested in additional mindset support to reach your goals, consider signing up for the Master Your Mindset group program waitlist here.
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