We are so excited to work together to help you meet your nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle goals! Whether you join us in-person in Saskatoon or Regina or online from across Canada, our team is ready to help!
BOOK WITH A DIETITIANSTEP 1 | Decide on a nutrition service that's right for you!
Comprehensive Nutrition Coaching
As Vitality Nutrition's most popular service, our 3-month 'Comprehensive Nutrition Coaching' program pairs you with a nutritionist and Registered Dietitian in Saskatoon for three months of planning, communication, education, and habit development unique to you and your personal goals!
Whether you're looking to find assistance with a specific diet plan, follow-up on the recommendations of a healthcare provider, or 'test the waters' working one-on-one with a Registered Dietitian, the team at Vitality Nutrition is here to help! Let's start building a plan that's right for you!
LEARN MORE ABOUT INDIVIDUALIZED SUPPORTSTEP 2 | Find the Registered Dietitian that's right for you and schedule a session!
Use the calendars linked below to schedule your desired session type! New clients are reminded to choose one of our 'Initial Consult' options.
Don't forget to specify whether you'd like an in-person or virtual session! Hannah, Courtney, and Darian offer in-person sessions in Saskatoon. Jasmine offers in-person sessions in Regina. The entire Vitality Nutrition team offers virtual sessions across Saskatchewan!
Saskatoon, SK: 206-224 Pacific Avenue (Rumley Building)
Regina, SK: 200 – 1965 Broad St (Path Cowork)
Hannah Murray
Hannah is a Registered Dietitian with a background in personal training. She brings a unique knowledge of human physiology to her work, and supports clients in overcoming disorder eating and eating disorders and also supports pregnancy, fertility, and habit formation for overall wellness.

Courtney Berg
Courtney is a Registered Dietitian and the founder of Vitality Nutrition. Her aim is to empower you to reach your unique goals in areas such as hormone health and fertility, sports nutrition, and optimizing energy, sleep, and wellness through effective habit formation and mindset coaching.

Darian Kotchorek
Darian is a Registered Dietitian with a passion for all things fitness and food! She has a keen interest in sports nutrition helping clients use food as fuel for the activities they love. She has a speciality interest in digestive health and supports those struggling regain comfort and confidence!

Jasmine McKellar
Jasmine is a Registered Dietitian whose approach is to meet you where you’re at in your journey to create sustainable and meaningful strategies to reach your wellness goals! Areas of interest include family nutrition, weight management, chronic disease management, and more.