16. Summer Nutrition Tips + How To Navigate Alcohol + Embrace Being in Photos!

Summer is here! The weather is warm, kids are out of school, and routines are changing. Maybe for you this means life is lighter, brighter, and all around less stressful. Some might find it easier to adopt supportive nutrition habits in the summer with local produce in season and an abundance of opportunities to move and stay active. On the flip side, the go-go nature of summer may have you out of routine with your usual food and movement choices or feeling challenged with an increased number of social gatherings and opportunities to drink alcohol. In todayā€™s podcast  the dietitian at Vitality Nutrition share their top summer tips to feel confident, fuelled, hydrated, and energized this summer! Topics covered:

  • Stay hydrated with both fluids and electrolytes (how much water to drink and where to source electrolytes)
  • Energy-sustaining and portable snacks to fuel summer adventures
  • How to make meal prep simple in the summer so that you can make the most of your weekends
  • Our top kitchen gadgets and tools to prepare easy summer meals
  • Key tips to support your body if and when you choose to consume alcohol
  • Ideas to give classic summer meals a boost of nutrition
  • Tips for navigating social events
  • What to do if the summer heat is impacting your appetite cues
  • Why eating regularly is the key to eating more mindfully this summer
  • Saying 'yes' to summer experiences
  • Finding ways to move in ways you love this summer
  • Tips for overcoming fear or avoidance of photos
  • How to build confident making nutrition choice that fit you

You can read the accompanying article here.

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The Vitality Nutrition Team